December Membership Show and
6×6 Silent Auction
One night for two great events plus a lot more!
December 6, 2024
The Medium
214 S. Main St., Springdale, AR

2024 has been a very eventful year for ANA. The storm that hit Rogers and the surrounding area this past summer left us without a home once more. But we’ve bounced back with shows and events that demonstrate how much we enjoy our art and our art family. So it’s time for a big celebration and we have plenty to be happy about.
The 2024 December Membership Show this year is December 5, 2024 – January 4, 2025 at The Medium in Springdale. Just like last year, we will have our opening reception for both the December Membership Show and the 6×6 Silent Auction on the same night. Last years combined events were a great success and we’re excited about this year’s auction.
This is our fourth annual 6 x 6 Silent Auction – just in time for Christmas gift shopping. The 6” x 6” show is a silent auction to raise money for education programs and events at ANA. We’ve handed out over 220 FREE 6” x 6” stretched canvases to anyone that wants to participate. Artists take them home, paint whatever you choose on them, and then bring them to The Medium when you bring your artwork for the Membership Show on Monday and Tuesday, December 2 – 3 between 1:00 – 5:00 pm.
Our opening reception for the December Membership Show and the 6 x 6 Silent Auction will be Friday evening, December 6, 2024 at The Medium. The 6×6 artwork will be on view for the public on Friday, Dec. 6th from 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm. The auction will start at 4:30 pm and ends at 8:00 pm. There will be heavy hors d’oeuvres from Dutch Oven, live music by Rachel B and Table for 3, downtown Springdale is holding it’s annual Cocoa Crawl, the silent auction, and the opening reception for the ANA December Membership Show. There are going to be a lot of people coming in that evening. So come early for a parking space before the Cocoa Crawl crowd arrives at 5:00 pm.
Opening Reception: Friday, December 6, 2024
Time: 4:30 – 8:00pm
Where: The Medium at 214 S. Main St., Springdale, AR
6 x 6 Silent Auction: 4:30 – 8:00 pm
Starting Bid on the art: $20
Cash, checks, and credit cards accepted.
Drop off for membership show & the 6×6 artwork: Monday & Tuesday, December 2 – 3, from 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Where: The Medium at 214 S. Main St., Springdale, AR
Artist Reception Date: Friday, December 6, 4:30 – 8:00
Art Pick Up Date: Monday & Tuesday, January 6 – 7, 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Number of Works: 3
Size Requirements: No more than 48” in either dimension
Entry Fee: $10 per entry
Artwork Presentation: Gallery wrapped or framed (no staples or white edges on stretchers)
Label Artwork: Please label the back of your art (on the stretcher or a tag) with name and title.
Art Registration Form: Each artist must fill out 2 copies of the registration form that includes artist information and specific artwork information. The second copy is for temporary wall tags. Please fill out all the information. Please indicate original artwork or print artwork. You can get a PDF of the Show Prospectus and Registration form on the ANA Website.
Artwork Delivery: Bring your artwork with the completed Art Registration Form and your Entry Fee (cash or check) to the Medium, 214 S. Main St., Springdale, AR on the designated Delivery Day.
Artwork Sign-In and Sign-Out: You must sign your artworks IN and OUT on the Show Register in the ANA Gallery on the delivery and pick up dates specified in this document.
Ready to Hang: Artwork need to be wired with eye hooks or d-rings. Heavy pieces require 2 hanging brackets so make sure you use d-rings for hanging. NO saw-tooth hangers permitted.
(NOTE: Glass is accepted but not recommended.)
Artwork Sold: If an artwork is sold, the buyer is allowed to take the artwork on purchase. The artist has the opportunity to add a replacement artwork within 48 hours (or notify ANA for an extension) with a new $10 entry fee. If no replacement is supplied within the 48 hours ANA will select a new artwork for the show.
Sales: All sales are in cash or credit card. Sales are made through the ANA Gallery credit card processing. Tax and fees are included in the sale and handled by the ANA Gallery. A check will be sent to the artist within a month after the sale less their 20% commission.
Artwork Pick-Up Dates: Each artist is responsible for picking up their artwork and arranging for someone to pick up their artwork on the days specified. Artwork cannot be removed before the pick up dates without authorization by ANA show coordinators. Artwork has to be signed out.
Volunteers: We are a volunteer organization so please volunteer to help out with the event. There is a sign-up sheet you can add your name to at the artwork delivery or you can contact us through the website CONTACT US for more information.
ANA Membership is Required: If you are not a member and want to join us and participate in the ANA Members Exhibition and our other events, just go to the ANA website and join online us at
Click the link for a PDF form you can print and fill out for the show. Please turn in two (2) completed registration forms when you drop-off your artwork.
Volunteer for the December Membership Show
Volunteers are needed for drop-off dates, hanging the show, helping throughout the month at the Medium, and for pick-up dates. Please see the sign up sheet at the Medium for sitting at the gallery, when you drop off your art. Fill out the form below to let us know when and how you can help.
Not a member but want to participate.
Then Join ANA
It’s easy to join ANA. There are no qualifications necessary to join and it’s only $35 per year. Just click the button below for more info and to join.