Helen M. “Bunny” Hellweg

I’ve been drawing with a standard number 2 pencil almost all my life. And, at my age, I’ve sharpened quite a few pencils to oblivion.

I remember when I was about nine years old, talking drawing lessons at the St. Louis Art Museum. The only memory I have about those sessions is looking wide-eyed at the toes of a cloth wrapped Egyptian mummy on display. And deciding to draw something else.

Am I an artist? I’d sure like to think so. But thein reality hits when I’ll begin the same drawing three times ( color pencil doesn’t erase) – and I still haven’t captured that special look that’s on someone’s face. It takes just one little stroke to make all the difference. Once it’s there, WOW, what a boost. It’s enough to go on the next ‘adventure.’

Happily, I won’t bore you with theatrical and tiresome words about art. My drawings are my way of connecting with you. Why draw people? We’re each of us so compellingly different in looks, personality and those quirks that make us – us. That’s my goal.

I’m a realist and my medium is colored pencil. With frequent sketches in pen and ink.

And yes, in the bottom of whatever bag I’m carrying, there’s always a small drawing pad. Along with a standard number 2 pencil.

Paint the things that I see for the God of things as they are. – Rudyard Kipling


Helen M. “Bunny” Hellweg
