Directors, Officers & Committees
Board of Directors
Gary Johnson (Chairman of the Board)
Stan Dark
Terry Dushan
Gerald”Scout” Hatley
Evelyn Jorgenson
Victor Parkerson
Raymond Raphael
Kathleen Siegfried
President: Stan Dark
Vice President: Evelyn Jorgenson
Treasurer: Raymond Raphael
Recording Secretary: Open
Committee Chairs
Membership Chair: Julie Maas
Program Chairwoman: Gerald “Scout” Hatley
Newsletter Editor: Stan Dark
Publicity/Communications Chair: (open)
Social Media: Melissa Milton
Website: Stan Dark
Regional Show Chair: (open)
Scholarship Chair: Evelyn Jorgenson
Oil Workshop Chair: Judy Maurer
Watercolor Workshop Chair: Gary Johnson
Members Show: Rosie Floyd
Volunteer Coordinator: (open)
Plein Air Coordinator: Diane Stinebaugh
RegFox: Apryl Okoroafor
6×6 Show/Auction: Kathleen Siegfried
Organizational Positions & Volunteer Opportunities
ANA BOARD: chairperson, officers, and voting members (need not be artists)
OFFICERS: president, vice-president, treasurer, and secretary
VOTING MEMBERS: board chair, president, vice-president, treasurer, secretary, and committee chairs
NATIONAL SHOW, REGIONAL SHOW AND MEMBERS ONLY SHOW: show chair, sponsorship chair, publicity chair, refreshment chair for show reception, prospectus writer, check-in volunteers for turn in and take down of shows, volunteers to hang shows.
PUBLICITY: chair and volunteers to assist chair.
MEMBERSHIP: volunteers needed to help with welcoming new members and assembling and mailing annual membership roster.
MONTHLY ART EDUCATION MEETINGS: if you have an idea for a presentation, would like to be a presenter, or can assist presenter in setup for demos, please let us know.
6×6 SHOW/AUCTION: volunteers need for marketing, set up and event.
Volunteers Needed
Volunteers are always needed for able bodied helpers with temporary tasks. If interested in getting involved and give us a hand or one of the open positions above, please CONTACT US if you are interested in assisting.