Carol Cooper Watercolor Workshop
This will be a fun exploration of a variety of watercolor techniques and styles. There will be a focus on texture, color, and composition. We will be working from loose realism to abstraction. Many surprises! Each project will demonstrated with lots of one-on-one help. Most of our projects will be small, but you may work as large as you wish.
Skill level:
Beginner – Advanced. Beginners are encouraged to jump in and have fun.
The more advanced painters will be challenged and supported as well.
Advanced students: Just bring your regular watercolor supplies.
For those who need some supplies:
Any watercolor paints you have will be fine. I teach using watercolor in tubes. (I really love Daniel Smith’s Quinacridone Gold.) Make sure you have red, blue, yellow, brown, black
White plastic palette with at least 10 wells or some non-absorbent surface (like a coated paper plate or Styrofoam plate)
- 1” flat watercolor brush (synthetic or sable or a blend)
- #8 pointed round watercolor brush that comes to a good point (synthetic or sable or a blend)
140 lb. cold pressed watercolor paper. (a tablet form of paper is fine). Try to get acid-
free. Around 8 x 10 or a little larger.
- masking tape
- support board (stiff cardboard, foam core, or gatorboard) to tape the paper to
- hair dryer
- plastic water container
- pencil
- eraser
We will have a 45 min lunch. Noon- 12:45. Students may bring their lunch or go out for lunch. A refrigerator is available in the studio.
Dates: February 22, 23, 2024 (Thursday, Friday)
Location: The ANA Gallery@RXH – 121 W. Walnut St, Rogers, AR
Times: 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM