Jim Mullenax
Ink and Watercolor
Thursday, May 16, 2024
1:00 – 3:00 pm
ANA Gallery @ the Rogers Experimental House
121 W. Walnut Street
Rogers, AR 72756
Free and open to the public.
Jim Mullenax will share his work in ink and watercolor.
Join us in May for this program.


Jim Mullenax
Jim Mullenax was born and raised in central Arkansas. He graduate of UALR where he played baseball before serving in both the Marines and Navy reserves.
We worked 32 years as a professional fireman, 25 of those as a PRN paramedic for NEMS Ambulence. He retired in 2020.
He has drawn and sketched all his life but has had no formal education or instruction.
Jim currently teaches Nature Journaling at Prairie Grove State Park and regulary contributes cartoons to the local newspaper. He lives in NW Arkansas with his wife Tammy and their two dogs.