Yvonne Daily – Presenter
November 18, 2021
1 pm – 3 pm
ANA Gallery @ RXH (common area)
Snacks and drinks provided

Ways to create layers of color with paint to emphasize light and shadows.

Yvonne began her art adventures from grade school through high school. Early in the 70’s she learned techniques using tempra by watching a Navajo friend paint. He taught her to paint around objects, water and more. She continued to learn by trial and error. Yvonne says each time she picks up a brush, she learns something using techniques she has learned from other artists.








Yvonne is a member of ANA and also meets every Wednesday at West Fork Fire Station to paint, observe and critique with other artists. She prefers to use acrylics and she paints whatever strikes her “at the moment—there are a world of subjects and internal ideas to be put on canvas”, she believes.








Contact Yvonne at: yvonneslittlecorner8@gmail.com